Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I just want to talk about one of the dental decease that took 6 of my teeth and 2 are on the way out. This decease is called periodontitis. The symptoms of this decease are shaking teeth, bleeding whilie brushing your teeth, cavity or tartar deposit on the bottom of your teeth. If you have any of these symptoms consult your dentist immedietly to save your teeth.

I got this symptoms almost 3 years back and I did not care at that time. Interesting fact is that even if the tooth is shaking it won't pain much. I got sever pain only once and then I consulted my dentist but then I was late. I had to remove 3 of my teeths immedietly and my doctor said my gum is weak in both of my jaws and I need to do a surgery to fix the weaker gum. The gum will become weaker when the bones surrounding the teeth are lost and the surgery will be done to graft artificial bones to fill the missing bones. The doctor did not guarantee 100% success for the surgery but he told me that if I didn't do treatment, one by one all the teeth will come down and he also added there is no concrete treatment for this decease other than surgery. But since I was confused about what to do I consulted another doctor and he said it is better to remove the teeth because he is not confident if surgery can fix the problem. But i don't want to loose all my teeth that easily so I waited for some more time without any treatment and I lost 3 of my teeths again.

Now i am consuting a specialist in periodontitis. He X-rayed my teeth and he told me that one one of my teeth needs to be removed and all other teeths can be saved through surgery. It cannot happen immedietely and will take time to improve the teeth. Now i have decided to go for the surgery and I will post my improvements later.

Note: If you have a shaking teeth, bleeding teeth [It may or may not pain at all] then consult your dentist immedietly.


Sreejith Sadanand said...

that is really a terrible thing to happen.

Sreejith Sadanand said...

Did you stop blogging with this?